Create a Profitable and Purposeful Virtual Assistant Business.

Get certified to work with podcasters and make more money with fewer clients.

Get the Profitable Podcast VA bundle

Becoming a VA sounded like a great work-from-home option, until you realized that running a *profitable* VA business without burning out is hard!.

Do any of these sound familiar?

  • You're getting paid by the hour, and so as you get better and faster at your work, you make less money!
  • You're tied to your phone creating content for your social media accounts so you bring in more clients, in addition to the work you do for your clients. 
  • Your business is always on your mind - you feel like you're never truly present for those who matter, even though you started this business so you'd have more time for them!

You know this isn't what you dreamed of when you started your VA business, but you're not sure how to fix it.


The Profitable Podcast VA Bundle is your secret weapon to beat VA burnout.

Imagine that you work with kind, caring clients every day. That you get paid predictably and well, month after month. That you wake up with new clients in your inbox, without hustling to be on social all the time.

That's the magic of the Profitable Podcast VA Bundle. The Bundle has three components that work in tandem to help you streamline your business and make more money without working more.

The Podcast VA Certification.

You'll have lifetime access to the Podcast VA Certification course. Once you complete the training & certification process, you’ll have the exact skills to pitch your services to independent podcasters. You'll be able to bundle your services into valuable packages and market them confidently. You'll be able to charge premium pricing because podcasters need your valuable your skills. And you'll get hired quickly because podcasters will KNOW you can help them. Click here to learn more about the Certification.

The Podcast VA Connection

This membership community will become your go-to place to hang out with people who get life as a VA. Because everyone in the community is a podcast VA just like you, you can ask tough questions, like "What's working best right now for promoting seasonal podcasts?” or “What’s the best way to follow up with this no-show?” and get answers from people who have been there. And, you’ll also have access to dozens of pre-recorded and live training calls on the business-building, client-finding, and financial aspects of running a VA business and the tools & skills you need to work specifically with podcasters. Click here to learn more about the Connection.

The Podcast VA Directory

The Podcast VA Directory is the place where podcasters from around the world go when they're ready to hire a Virtual Assistant. And with your listing in the Directory, you can be matched with the podcaster who is looking for exactly what you offer. Every Certified Podcast VA in our directory has been contacted by at least 2 podcasters in their first 3 months with us, without hustling on social or applying for every job that comes their way. Click here to learn more about the Directory.

Purchase the Profitable Podcast VA Bundle
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Why Work with Podcasters?

Podcasting is big business!

There are currently over 2 million podcasts in existence, with more being added every day (via @podcastinsights). That means over 2 million possible shows for you to get hired on!

But beyond the numbers, the podcast industry is the perfect industry to work in if you want a steady, streamlined business.

First, because podcasting is a predictable business. There's typically no holiday rush, no launch cycle, and no busy season. Podcasters predictably create content week-in and week-out, meaning your workload stays consistent week after week and month after month.

Second, because podcasters are in the people business. Most podcasters do what they do because they love people, not because they're chasing a dollar and willing to capitalize on the loss of others to see success. That makes them full of integrity and compassion, and that makes them great people to work with.

And finally, podcasters all over the world need your help. See, podcasters are creatives. They're great at idea generation and creating their show. But they're typically not great at the mundane maintenance tasks that need to get done each week to keep their show alive and well.

Enter "podfade."

Podfade is what happens when podcasters don't have the support they need to get their show published and promoted every week. Eventually, the to-do list overwhelms them and their show fades into the ether...without any fanfare, they simply burn out from doing all the things it takes to create their show and give up on it.

We're on a mission to prevent podfade, and you as a Certified Podcast VA are the secret weapon against podfade!

If you're ready to learn more about what it takes to work for podcasters, click the button below to get access to our free training "Get Hired as a Podcast VA."

Watch the training

We're Jenn and Kelly, the founders of the Podcast VA Association.

We are virtual assistants.

And like so many other VAs, we started our businesses for the freedom & flexibility we were promised. But, once we were in the trenches of working as virtual assistants, we realized that there's a lot more burnout in the VA world than there is freedom. Over the years, we've refined our services, up-leveled our businesses, and even started podcasting!

Jenn (right) is a mompreneur with a passion for systems, workflows, and simplifying. She launched her podcast This Mom Knows in 2020 with a mission to help moms get more done in less time so they don't have to choose between their family or their business.

Kelly is a social media VA-turned-coach-and-strategist who truly believes that it's possible to grow a simple, streamlined, and profitable business that gives you the time & money freedom you dream of, without sacrificing your family or your health.

We've been friends since 2015, when we belonged to the same homsechool group in the Chicagoland area.

Who knew that two homeschooling moms from the Midwest would take on the challenge of revolutionizing the Virtual Assistant industry AND the podcast industry?

The Podcast VA Association Story

After getting her podcast up & running Jenn quickly realized that she needed help! And in conversations with other podcasters, she realized that podcasters everywhere struggle to find qualified VAs. In fact, most podcasters she knew were desperate to hire help but couldn’t find someone qualified!

Being the visionary that she is, Jenn saw a need in the market - a way to connect virtual assistants who understood the nuance of the podcasting world with the podcasters who need their help. At the end of 2021, she presented Kelly with the idea of creating a directory of virtual assistants whom we have trained in everything podcasting, and helping them get hired by the podcasters we know who need help. 

Knowing firsthand how belonging to a directory changed the trajectory of her social media business, Kelly jumped at the opportunity to help other VAs experience the same amazing transformation. We know that having a directory podcasters could search to find their perfect VA would be an invaluable tool in helping our Certified VAs get hired by their dream clients AND in helping podcasters find the perfect VA to help them with their needs.

Podcast VA Association is the only certifying organization for virtual assistants looking to up-level their skills so they can streamline their VA business and beat VA burnout, while still making good money.

We're so excited that you're considering becoming a Certified Podcast VA. If you have any questions about our training, the certifications process, or the directory, send us an email. We can't wait to see you there!